Friday, October 30, 2015

Installing a Drip Edge

Installing a Drip Edge
Today we are going to take a little break from talking about insulation. Though I'm sure we will come back to it in the future, I think I've driven my point home with it for now. If you didn't catch it, insulation is MUY IMPORTANTE! If you don't have it, GET IT! If you don't have enough of it, GET IT! Ok, if you didn't get my point before, now you do!:)
Now, onto drip edge! We've talked about drip edge before, but today I want to talk about the installation of drip edge. Before I jump right on into it, I want to give a briefing on drip edge in case you forgot what it is. What you need to know about drip edge is that it will save you a lot of potential hazards and stress in the future. A roof should have a SLIGHT overhang for water runoff. If the overhang is too short, it can lead to rotted roof sheathing and fascia, stained siding, soil erosion, or flooded basements. Thus, here comes in the drip edge to prevent those problems!
To install the drip edge, you take the wide, flat part of the material and slip it under the first layer of roof shingles. The outer edge must be extended over the gutter. Then you're going to take roofing cement and secure the drip edge to the house. Apply a continuous bead of roofing cement along the top of the drip edge, then press firmly on the shingles to secure the drip edge. For safe measure, it's a good idea to secure the ends of the drip edge with short roofing nails. If you do this added measure, make sure the roofing nails are up under the shingles.
There are plenty of DIY videos and tutorials online on how to properly install a drip edge if are a visual learner or need to read more detailed instructions. If you're like many people, you're just going to leave this job to the professionals so you don't have to worry about climbing up a ladder and dealing with stuff on top of your roof. It's a risky situation! I hope you've learned a little more about drip edge and can see the importance of adding these extra touches to your roof in order to give yourself and your home added protection.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Turtle back vents

Turtle Back Vents!

Today we are going to continue to talk about ventilation. Can you tell I feel pretty strongly about a properly ventilated home? It just makes the job of a roofer so much easier! Likewise, it makes the job of the actual roof so much easier. Today I'm going to introduce you to the turtle back vent.
When compared to the ridge vent, the turtle back vent is not quite as superior. It's still a good ventilation option, but it's not as expensive as the ridge vent; thus, slightly inferior. Turtle back vents (also known as louvers) are installed as close to the ridge as possible in order to catch as much warm air as possible. As the warm air comes through the soffit vents, the warmest air will rise up to the ridge. Turtle back vents are not a continuous vent, thus they must be spaced out evenly on the roof in order to avoid pockets of hot air and moisture. Turtle back vents are fairly easy to install, are relatively inexpensive, and are easy to incorporate into older buildings or structures with pre-existing static air. There are a few downsides to these vents as well. They don't have as much curb appeal as other vents, they are not as efficient as ridge vents, and they are susceptible to leaks if not installed properly.
The amount of ventilation you need in your home depends upon which vents you have. For example, when using ridge vents, it's recommended to have 1 sq foot of ventilation for every 300 sq feet of attic space. With turtle back vents, the recommendation is 1 sq foot for every 150 sq ft! So as you can see, you need twice the amount of turtle back vents as you do ridge vents. They are also cheaper though as I said.
When it comes down to it, you just need to talk with your roofer and weigh the pros and cons of whichever ventilation systems you're looking at, and pick the one that is best for YOUR home! Ridge vents may be great for one home and turtle back vents may be better suited for another.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Gable vents!

We've been discussing ventilation recently, and the great importance of it. Soffit vents are a very common type of ventilation, as we've discussed. Most people, but not EVERYONE can have soffit vents at their house. Soffit vents can be cut in, but you would have to look to make sure insulation is not blocking the airflow from the soffit. If that seems like too much of a hassle, have no fear.... GABLE vents are here!
Gable vents are on the side of the house in the "gable" (hence the name). If you're unfamiliar with gable vents, here is a picture of it:

Gable vents can be a great alternative to soffits, or even a great addition if you just want that added ventilation. Most commonly, gable vents are not used in conjunction with soffits, but at times the can be. Gable vents can add a little bit of charm to your home, if you're looking for curb appeal. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes, which is always nice to have a variety to choose from when dealing with things on the exterior of your home. Gable vents can be constructed of wood, metal, or vinyl, and have slats on them that prevent outdoor weather from entering in the attic. Remember me telling you that my daughter's house had bats in the attic before they moved in? Well having a gable vent would've prevented that because they have a screen on the inside to keep out insects, bats, and anything else from the outside.
So as you can see, there is no excuse for not having a good ventilation system in place for your home. The benefits of it FAR outweigh the risk of not having one.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Power attic ventilation

So I'm getting on a ventilation kick! Last week we talked about ridge vents. This week I want to talk about power attic ventilation. Ventilation is just so important in protecting your roof, I want you to know about some of the different options you have!
The basic purpose of power attic ventilation is to remove heat from your attic so that cooling loads are reduced. The vents exhaust the hot attic air and draw in the cooler ambient air. This helps your HVAC systems to not have to work quite as hard to cool your home, in turn, saving you money. A common thing to do with this ventilation system is to have a thermostat in your attic that signals the attic fan to come on once a certain temperature is reached, and then to turn off automatically once it cools to the desired temperature.
Now, as I want to present you with different options to be able to ventilate your home properly, they are not all equal in my book. I still think other forms of ventilation are superior to this, but if it comes down to having no ventilation or having a power attic vent, of course I would choose the power attic vent, hands down. Don't get me wrong, it's not a BAD system, it's just not the most energy efficient. Personally, I don't think using electricity to ventilate the attic and reduce cooling loads is very often justified. There are other techniques that will give you better results, sealing off the room and maximizing the insulation, adequate ventilation openings, solar powered attic fans, etc.
A lot of this comes down to what system is best for YOUR house. Also, did your builder do an adequate job of picking the right forms of ventilation to suit your house. Make sure this is a high priority whenever you're building a house.
So, your homework for the week is to check your house and make sure you have proper ventilation. Check your roof, make sure there are no "ripples". If you don't know how to do this, give me a call! If you're not local, give me a shout anyways and I can either help you through it or refer you to someone in your area who can!

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Ridge Vents

Welcome back! Last week I talked about how fall and cooler weather was right around the corner, and this week we have it!! Yesterday was the first official day of fall, and it brought a slight drop in temperature, which has been wonderful. So today, I want to talk to you about ventilation; specifically, ridge ventilation.
Just so we are all on the same page, ventilation provides the condition to allow air to flow (hot air out and cool air in). Effective ventilation is a balancing act, which is why it is so important to have the proper types of ventilation for your specific home. Obviously, not all homes are created the same.
Ridge vents are located at the peak of the roof, making them virtually invisible from ground level. They provide a greater airflow than other vents do. I've discussed previously some of the dangers of a poorly ventilated house, but I wanted to briefly go over some of them again as I don't want you to miss the importance of proper ventilation. Too much heat and moisture can cause shingles to fail prematurely; excess heat requires more air conditioning, costing you more money; too much moisture can cause mold, mildew, and roof rot; and proper ventilation is required for most roof warranties to withstand.
Ridge vents are most common on shingled residential buildings. They allow warm, humid air to escape through the attic. Ridge vents help to prolong and protect a homeowner's roof from common culprits within the home.
Now, as with all things, you have to make sure your ridge vents are installed properly if you want them to work properly. There are DIY websites and youtube videos that teach you how to install ridge vents. If you're pretty handy, you shouldn't have a problem. Otherwise, leave it to the professionals! If you've installed it yourself and have a problem, don't be too quick to blame the ridge vents; make sure you have a professional come take a look at them before you throw in the towel!

Friday, September 18, 2015

Cold Weather Installations

Cold Weather Installations

Hey folks! Thank the Lord, we are coming upon the fall. I absolutely LOVE this time of year!! Changing of the leaves, football (Go UK!!), hunting, cooler weather... I love it all! With cooler weather coming, it's a good time to talk about cold weather installations. There are some differing opinions on whether a roof can be installed in freezing weather or not. I'm going to tell you right now, if a contractor agrees to install your roof when the temperatures are below freezing, he is more concerned with your money than he is giving you a quality roof. There are exceptions to every rule and matters/needs that sometimes can't be helped, but as a general rule, I'm very hesitant to put on a new roof if the weather is below freezing.
Now, in Louisville, we've seen some pretty harsh winters. Most of the time, we will get snow. We also have seen some milder winters, that didn't have much or any snow. With that being said, I like for it to be about 40 degrees or above outside to install a new roof. The shingles need to seal, and in order to do so they need to reach about 70 degrees. Now that doesn't mean it needs to be 70 degrees outside, they will warm by the heat of the sun.
I love putting roofs on in the spring because there is plenty of warmth and sunshine. Unfortunately, roofs don't decide to fail on us only in the Spring time. They tend to have minds of their own, so whenever there is damage, leaks, or anything causing the failure, we have to replace the roof. If it's freezing outside and there is not a desperate situation, I will just wait for the weather to warm up enough to get the job done. Freezing temperatures can often times cause the roof to not set properly, can cause shingles to fly off prematurely, and ultimately, cause the roof to fail way before it should.
Now, all that being said, there are certain techniques and procedures we follow in colder weather (and freezing temps if need be) in order to produce the best quality of roof possible. If your roofing need absolutely cannot wait, we will get the job done.
All in all, when we have the choice... warmer is better when it comes to installing a roof!

Friday, September 11, 2015

Standing Algae Growth

Have you ever noticed black/green streaks down a roof? Maybe they're on your own roof and you've never given much thought about it, other than it having a pretty bad appearance. Well those streaks you see are actually algae growth. This algae thrives in humid climates, and it is airborne. Yes, it sounds pretty disgusting. If a house in your neighborhood gets this growth, all the other houses are susceptible to it due to its' airborne nature. The algae spores are spread by the wind and are just looking for new hosts to attach to. Once one house is infested with it, the whole neighborhood can become overrun with this roof algae. It's definitely not a very sightly problem to have on your roof.
Now, there have been new shingles developed to combat this algae problem. If you live in a humid climate, you will definitely want to look into these new shingles. They use a Scotchgard system that blends 3M copper granules. These granules are manufactured into the shingles. These copper granules act as a natural biocide, which basically prevents any algae growth. Without this algae growth, you don't have to worry about the unsightly streaky appearance of your roof! There is actually a lifetime warranty against algae growth with some of the companies distributing these new shingles, which is amazing.
Personally, if I lived in a warm/moist/humid climate, and I knew there was a way to prevent algae growth on my roof, I would do it in a heartbeat. Not only do I not like the appearance of algae on a roof, I'm weary about the side effects of this algae growth. Over time, roof algae can eat through your shingles and into your roof deck, causing rot. We all know that wood rot is never a good thing in a home, but specifically on the roof, it's REALLY not a good thing. When the wood rots, water can get in through the cracks and create the perfect environment for mold growth. I'm not even going to get into the dangers of mold in your home, I think everyone is very aware of how dangerous that is.
So all in all, if you have stains or streaks on your roof, get it checked out. Don't ignore it! If your roof needs to be replaced because of the damage, consider these algae resistant shingles so that you won't have to worry about it again!

Monday, August 31, 2015

Haag Certified!

If you're like most, you're probably wondering what the title means. Haag is actually the last name of the man who founded the Haag Engineering. This company was established back in 1924 to basically examine why structures or components fail or do not function properly. Haag Engineering has a research and testing laboratory that has tackled the roofing industry. They assess the damage to a roof and determine where the damage came from (hail, improper installation, defects, etc.). Now, where does this come into play with contractors and roofing companies?? The expertise that Haag Engineering has acquired is the foundation of the Haag Certified Roof Inspection Program. Contractors have the privilege of going through this intense training program and learn the in-depth forensics behind roofing and roofing products. If the contractor completes the program and passes the test, he and his business is then Haag Certified.
Have I lost you yet? Yours truly (yes, that would be me), has gone through this training program, passed the test, and become Haag Certified, which I'm extremely excited about. I've increased my knowledge in more exact roof damage evaluations, more precise cost estimates, more accurate damage assessments in general, and much more! So basically, choosing a contractor with this certification is more insurance for you that he will do a great job with whatever task he is dealt. Another important point about being Haag certified is that the contractor is then recognized by all insurance companies. If there is ever a discrepancy about the cost of repair between the insurance company and contractor, the Haag certification always carries assessment validity.
Hopefully you've now come to the realization that Haag Certification is pretty crucial when it comes to picking a contractor. Even as a contractor myself, I love having the backing of Haag because they have already done the so much research and testing on the products I'm using, it gives me even more of a peace of mind in my line of work.

Friday, August 21, 2015

Filing your claims!

It's the weekend!! In honor of the weekend, I'm going to spice things up for you loyal blog readers. Instead of talking specifically about roofing, I want to touch on insurance claims! If you've ever had to deal with an insurance company on a claim you're filing, more than likely, it was probably a more grueling process than you were hoping for. Now for smaller claims, insurance companies are pretty easy to work with. When you get into the bigger claims, insurance companies don't tend to fork over the money as easily. Whenever I'm working with my customers, I also insist they have an advocate with them. That's part of my job! I work with the insurance company to get my clients what they deserve.
Before we even speak with the insurance company, you need to read through your coverage and find out exactly what is covered for you. If you need the shortcut, just go ahead and contact your insurance provider and they will be able to tell you. Different companies assess situations differently. For example, if your roof is 14 years old, they may give you the depreciation value of your roof (at the time of damage) versus a full roof replacement. You just have to find out your coverage.
Now here's a tip I would love for you to follow through with. Insurance companies work well with documentation. It obviously makes the claims process a little smoother. So my tip is for you to go outside this weekend and take "before" pictures of your roof and the exterior of your home. If you ever do any repair work to it, take pictures of that as well. When you have any damage, take the "after" photos. Submit these photos, as well as any quotes or invoices you receive, to your insurance company. This will help you immensely when you go to file your claim.
Now the last part was submitting any quotes, etc to your insurance company. This quote you should receive from a professional contractor, like myself. Most of the time, you will be able to choose whomever you would like. Your contractor will be very familiar with insurance companies and will be able to help you navigate your way through the claims process.
I hope this has opened your eyes to the insurance claims process, and helped you to see that it's not as daunting as some may think... just reach out to the professionals to lend you hand!

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Proper Shingle Removal

Of all roofing topics to talk about, you may wonder about the proper way to remove a shingled roof. Well today is your lucky! It's not rocket science to remove shingles off a roof, but you also can just get up there and rip them off and do a messy/crappy job... unless you want to be repairing other things in the process. \
First off, it's probably pretty easy to notice when someone is getting a new roof because they have one of those big dumpsters in the driveway. That's basically a necessity, as it makes the job a million times easier. Ok, so now that you've got your dumpster in place and positioned in a location to catch the shingles, onto the roof you go! You will need a shingle scraper. Take that shingle scraper, beginning at the peak of the roof, and slide it under the top layer of shingles and pry them off. Push the shingles down off the roof and into the dumpster. Continue working row by row, prying off the shingles. Make sure you don't hit your helpers on the ground with your flying shingles!
Once you get all the shingles off the roof, go back and examine the roof for any bits of leftover shingles or roofing nails. You want a clean surface to work with as you go to install your new roof. You're going to want to use a ripclaw hammer to pull up any nails with trapped bits of shingle in them. Then just push the debris off the roof. If you see any remaining nails sticking out, just hammer them into the roof. If you see any loose roof sheathing boards, just nail them down.
Your job is about done! Just come down off the roof, clean up any remaining mess or debris, stick it in your dumpster and have it hauled off! So as you can see, removing shingles is not the most fun job in the world, but it's not the hardest either. Obviously, we always recommend hiring someone whenever it comes to roofing jobs due to the dangerous nature of climbing on a roof. Give us a shout if we can help you out!

Friday, July 17, 2015

Starter Shingles!

So when you hear the term "starter shingle", you may think of it as just buying the least expensive shingle option. That would make sense! That's not exactly what it is though! Starter shingles are basically a product to enhance and extend the life of your roof. A starter shingle is a row of shingle material that is applied on top of the underlayment and drip edge but underneath the primary shingle layer. Did I lose you yet? We've talked about all of those things in the blog, so you should be somewhat familiar with the terms "underlayment", "drip edge", and obviously "shingles'.
We've talked a ton about roofing products, shingles, etc and now I'm throwing a new thing at you! Why would you need this starter shingle with everything else we've talked about? As with so many things, it's an added layer of protection. One of the main purposes of the starter shingle is to protect the shingles from wind at the bottom of the roof by adhering it to the edge of the eaves. The other main purpose is it fills in the spaces left by the tabs of most shingles so that there is always one or more layers covering the sheathing. Picture a really bad storm with horrible, gusty winds. Without a starter shingle, those winds could blow the shingles off at the edge of the roof, taking other rows of shingles with it. The starter shingle helps to prevent this.
The starter shingle strip is applied before the first course of roofing. This will enable it to fill any spaces between the cutout and joints of that first course of roofing. I bet you didn't know roofing was as involved as it is! It seems you can just slap some shingles up there and you're good to go. Ironically, some roofing contractors think the same way, which is why your roof fails prematurely. Ok, that may be an exaggeration, but it's so important to make sure you've hired a roofer who knows what he's doing so that he knows about all of these roofing components and will install it as it should be installed.
Happy roofing!!

Monday, July 6, 2015

If you don't read any further, read this: Vent your attic! Attic ventilation works hand-in-hand with keeping your roof protecting your home to the best of its' ability! Without proper attic ventilation, your roof will fail prematurely. It's actually kinda crazy that a poorly ventilated attic has such a high effect on the functioning level of a roof. Even the manufacturer's warranty of your shingles can be voided due to the condition of your ventilation in your attic. So let's dive in!
There are multiple options when it comes to ventilating your attic space. I will briefly discuss each one, but the following are your different options: soffit vents, whole house fans, and gable vents. There are a few other options that may be available for your home that we won't go into today, such as louvered dormers and mushroom vents. We will first discuss the soffit vent.
The soffit vent allows convective air movement from the soffits to the ridge vent. Insulation baffles must also be installed when you go with the soffit vent to prevent the insulation from restricting airflow.
Whole house fans are another option. They simply draw air out of the attic space and filter it outside. It's good to have the fans controlled by a switch or thermostat that will automatically control them and turn them on when they are needed to exhaust the attic space.
Lastly, we have gable vents. Gable vents are like they sound, vents that are installed at the gable ends of a home. These vents allow air to be drawn from the attic space, as well as preventing moisture from being drawn back into the house.
Another thing to consider with properly ventilating your attic is making sure you have adequate ventilation for the amount of square footage in your attic space. If you're interested in calculating this yourself, you can find the equation for it online or just call me and I will come check it out for you. If your shingles are starting to buckle or look "wavy", there's a good chance you need to check on your ventilation.
So all in all, if you're looking to prevent things like premature roof failure, inefficient HVAC systems, and lack of quality in your home.... do a thorough check in your attic and ventilation systems and make sure they are up to par and running as they should!

Monday, June 29, 2015

Quality Shingles

This of course is a roofing blog, and we've talked a good bit about roofing materials, shingles/tin roofing, flashing, gutters, etc! We've talked about hiring the right contractor, but we haven't talked about how to tell the quality of a shingle! Most of the time, a customer will choose the type of roofing they want, and then trust the contractor to put the right, high quality product on their roof. As wonderful as that sounds, unfortunately you can't trust people these days like you could 20 years ago, so I want you to know what to look for when you're talking with your roofer. Today, we are going to focus on shingles since they are the most common choice of roofing material.
For starters, asphalt shingles are basically composed of the backing material (cellulose material or fiberglass), the asphalt mixture, and mineral granules. There are 3 grades of shingles you can choose from, mostly referred to as "good," "better," and "best". The "good" catergory basically consists of the basic, 3-tab asphalt shingles. These are your cheaper, shorter warrantied shingles. They're not bad quality, they just won't last you as long as the others. In your "better" and "best" category you're going to have your architectural/dimensional shingles. These shingles have better curb appeal, they're thicker than the 3-tab shingles, more durable, will last longer, have a more visual texture, and most importantly, are warrantied longer than the 3-tab shingles. There's really no comparison between the 2, 3-tab and architectural shingles, but it just depends what's in your budget. The main differences between your basic shingles and your premium shingle is the warranty, cost, and durability. As with most things, you get what you pay for.

It's probably not hard for you to tell which shingles are which in the pictures above, just JUST IN CASE, the top picture is the 3-tab shingle, and the bottom is the architectural shingle.
Standards and specifications have been set for all shingles. Before your new shingles go on your roof, it would be wise of you to make sure the shingles that your roofer bought meet the specified quality guidelines. The guidelines were put in place to govern things that could result from harsh weather conditions (tear resistant, wind resistant, ice resistant, etc.). You can find this information online or just give me a call so we can talk about it.
The last thing I want you to consider before choosing your shingle is how long you will be in your home. If you plan on moving in a few years, you may not want to choose as expensive of a shingle as you would if you are just building your home or plan on staying in it for many years to come. Talk to your roofer about your different options as he should help you see what will suit your needs best!