Monday, August 31, 2015

Haag Certified!

If you're like most, you're probably wondering what the title means. Haag is actually the last name of the man who founded the Haag Engineering. This company was established back in 1924 to basically examine why structures or components fail or do not function properly. Haag Engineering has a research and testing laboratory that has tackled the roofing industry. They assess the damage to a roof and determine where the damage came from (hail, improper installation, defects, etc.). Now, where does this come into play with contractors and roofing companies?? The expertise that Haag Engineering has acquired is the foundation of the Haag Certified Roof Inspection Program. Contractors have the privilege of going through this intense training program and learn the in-depth forensics behind roofing and roofing products. If the contractor completes the program and passes the test, he and his business is then Haag Certified.
Have I lost you yet? Yours truly (yes, that would be me), has gone through this training program, passed the test, and become Haag Certified, which I'm extremely excited about. I've increased my knowledge in more exact roof damage evaluations, more precise cost estimates, more accurate damage assessments in general, and much more! So basically, choosing a contractor with this certification is more insurance for you that he will do a great job with whatever task he is dealt. Another important point about being Haag certified is that the contractor is then recognized by all insurance companies. If there is ever a discrepancy about the cost of repair between the insurance company and contractor, the Haag certification always carries assessment validity.
Hopefully you've now come to the realization that Haag Certification is pretty crucial when it comes to picking a contractor. Even as a contractor myself, I love having the backing of Haag because they have already done the so much research and testing on the products I'm using, it gives me even more of a peace of mind in my line of work.

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