Thursday, September 24, 2015

Ridge Vents

Welcome back! Last week I talked about how fall and cooler weather was right around the corner, and this week we have it!! Yesterday was the first official day of fall, and it brought a slight drop in temperature, which has been wonderful. So today, I want to talk to you about ventilation; specifically, ridge ventilation.
Just so we are all on the same page, ventilation provides the condition to allow air to flow (hot air out and cool air in). Effective ventilation is a balancing act, which is why it is so important to have the proper types of ventilation for your specific home. Obviously, not all homes are created the same.
Ridge vents are located at the peak of the roof, making them virtually invisible from ground level. They provide a greater airflow than other vents do. I've discussed previously some of the dangers of a poorly ventilated house, but I wanted to briefly go over some of them again as I don't want you to miss the importance of proper ventilation. Too much heat and moisture can cause shingles to fail prematurely; excess heat requires more air conditioning, costing you more money; too much moisture can cause mold, mildew, and roof rot; and proper ventilation is required for most roof warranties to withstand.
Ridge vents are most common on shingled residential buildings. They allow warm, humid air to escape through the attic. Ridge vents help to prolong and protect a homeowner's roof from common culprits within the home.
Now, as with all things, you have to make sure your ridge vents are installed properly if you want them to work properly. There are DIY websites and youtube videos that teach you how to install ridge vents. If you're pretty handy, you shouldn't have a problem. Otherwise, leave it to the professionals! If you've installed it yourself and have a problem, don't be too quick to blame the ridge vents; make sure you have a professional come take a look at them before you throw in the towel!

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